Hi Everyone,
Helping kids define and work through a problem is something that crops up all the time in our classrooms. Maybe you have been using Inspiration to help your class brainstorm, but there some great alternatives out there as well. Padlet (https://padlet.com/) is a digital bulletin board that allows you to create and collaborate and store data with a group. You, or anyone you invite can post notes to your padlet and can include video, audio, or photos. Popplet (http://popplet.com/) is another ideation app/website that allow your students to create and share their work. They can add text, video, or photos, or drawing so it can be great for emerging writers. Popplets can be made public, so there may already be some out there that can help illustrate a concept for your students. Here is an example of a Popplet about To Kill a Mockingbird. http://popplet.com/app/#/3520546
The last one I’ll share is called Mindmup (https://www.mindmup.com/) Like the others, it allows you to create a relationship flowchart with text, audio, video, or photo files. It’s format is more text and less graphic, if you prefer that style.
Happy brainstorming everyone!
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